Tuesday, February 23, 2010

inauguration poster

I started at looking at all the past presidential inauguration speeches and decided to go with Thomas Jefferson's speech that had "unite with one heart and one mind". I am attracted to speeches that speak out to the people instead of to the people, speeches that are inspirational more than political. Therefore this one saying stood out to me because its true we all need to unite as a country to make a better America. Nevertheless, for my poster project I want to have the feeling that this saying is going to unite people together. I made the U and the H bigger and bolder than the rest on purpose so they will stand out. they are both similar letter just flipped upside down. I connected them to show the viewer a connection with in my poster. I choose to italicize my words to show movement and to reiterate how we need to make a movement for us Americans to unite together. These are the basic thoughts at the moment I still have some more work to do to polish my final.