What is defined as free? People and People like us, are we all really as free as we think we are? We all have freedom in some way but sometimes I think freedom has its boundaries. In this photomontage I wanted the viewer to feel the emotion of this image and wonder who these people are. I put the soldiers in the front because they represent the first soldiers, back when all they new of was going to war and fighting for their country. Then, the modern day people in the background are they really that much different as the people in the foreground? Have we changed all that much? We are still at war and right now that is all people are still thinking about and the same emotions that they felt hundreds of years ago are the same emotions that we are still feeling about war. I enlarged the guy with the flag because he plays into what the montage is about, fighting for what he believes in. The train was something I really enjoyed looking at I really wanted to add the train in my composition because it reminds me of a journey or waiting on freedom to actually come. "When is the Freedom Train coming." I wanted to announce all these images so that the viewer can understand why they are so important in my composition. It is very complex but I wanted it to be that way because freedom is complex also.
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